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    Why are interest rates so low if not because of QE3? Interest rates reflect inflation expectations plus the real (inflation-adjusted) supply and demand for credit. Inflation expectations are low, about two percent over the next decade. Actual inflation is falling. The global supply and demand for credit is largely driven by overall economic growth. The world is growing, but at a slower pace than previously expected. Weak economic growth, here in the United States, in Europe and in Asia, explain low demand for credit and thus low interest rates. It???s not all about the Fed.
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    Since September, the campaign has been standing alongside academic staff in their fight for fairer pay and has called for the management group to support a vision of education accessible to all. This is seen as intrinsically linked with the wider aims of the anti-privatisation campaign which fights for fairer pay, better working conditions across the board and democratic representation within university systems.
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    In June 2012, the U.S. Attorney???s Office for the Southern District of New York announced the arrest of Michael Hogue in Tucson, Arizona. It alleged he went by the xVisceral nickname and sold RATs. Hogue was arrested with 23 others in a ???carding??? scheme, which involved trafficking in financial details.